eseaman 22nd October 2007

Dear Shauna and Russ, There are no words at a time like this, but if there were, I would say them over and over again, a thousand times, like a mantra, until you were healed. I have thought about you and prayed for you both every single day since you lost your beautiful little Jesse. And I will continue to pray for you, hoping that MY prayers, combined with the prayers of ALL of the people in your lives who love you so much will bring you even the smallest amount of comfort and peace. And, Shauna and Russ, there are SO MANY people (literally all over the world!) who love you both and loved Jesse. I'm sure that God is working overtime right now trying to process all of the prayer requests that have been submitted on your behalf! Although I don't fully understand the depth of your grief, as a parent I do understand the depth of your love for your son, and although you were only able to hold Jesse in your arms for a few short months, you will hold your love for him in your hearts forever. And THAT love, the love a parent has for a child, is perfect and unconditional. And Jesse felt it every time each of you held him in your arms. I hope that in time you will find comfort in that: knowing that he felt your love and loved you back equally. Jesse will never be forgotten. He will always be remembered by those who knew and loved him, and also by those of us who didn't have the chance to meet him, but knew you and what a miracle he was in YOUR lives. Erin, Justin & Will Seaman