Teresa Wendland 25th January 2008

Dear Shauna & Russ, it has been 4 months since that terrible week in September when we lost Jesse. The pain is still so fresh, it seems like last week. I miss Jesse's presence in our lives so much. Jesse meant, and means, the world to me. I will never forget him and the joy and love he brought to my life. I will never stop wishing he was here with us. I will love your baby boy for the rest of my life. You two have been making progress in your "healing", and it gives me some peace to see it. I struggle with using words like healing and recovery, because I dont believe this is something any parent ever "gets over". But perhaps healing describes it best, because the scar will always be there to remind us - but hopefully you heal the wound enough to carry on with life, and not be permanently crippled. I have hoped that, in time, you would be able to see and feel beyond the grief. It's cliche, but time will heal. It won't take the pain away, just change it into a more manageable pain, one you learn to live with. You don't want to live with it, but must... You are handling your sorrow and loss with love in your hearts. You are a remarkably strong, loving couple. This I believe is part of your legacy to Jesse: living your life together with strength, clarity, devotion, and love. May your love grow stronger each day, and may God guide you through. Continue with your support groups and counseling. I know each day is still a struggle, but you WILL make it through. You ARE making it through, as painful as each day is. Jesse has left a huge void in our lives, but that does not change the fact HE WAS AND IS A GIFT. You had him, and you have him still - not in your arms, but in your memory; not in your home, but in your heart; not on earth, but in heaven. He was our little angel on earth, and is now our little angel in heaven. Jesse, and you two, mean so much to me. I will always be here for you. I love you with all my heart, Teresa