Teresa Wendland 11th October 2007

For Russ and Shauna Jesse Shawn Bowman Since I was about 9 or 10 Years old, I've always believed in God and Jesus Christ. If you asked those here that know me, I doubt Spiritual or Good Christian would be the first words out of their mouths. For That, I am ashamed and I am trying to change that. I struggle with what to say up here tonight. What do you say about such a tragedy? Some might blame or question God for this. I can't say to Russ & Shauna, "I know how you feel", "I understand what you are going though," because I don't. I am not a parent. But I do see the pain in their eyes, their broken hearts, and the devastation this has caused. I've seen this before. I saw it in my parent's eyes, I saw it in my wife's parents eyes. It is an unnatural experience I would not wish on my worst enemy. I remember asking my dad, how he was able to eventually deal with it. He said, "You never really do. You just accept it and try to think about the positive and good things". Cherish the memories that you do have. I'm sure Russ and Shauna can think back on a few good memories but I worry because they didn't get that much time before Jesse had to go. I'd like to add this as a positive for Russ and Shauna. I was thinking about this during a long drive home last week and suddenly, this thought came to me. Jesse was only with us a short time. While he was here, he lived a perfect, sinless life. When he left, he made his own sacrifice so that others might live. Someone else comes to mind when I think of it that way...that's the Christ in Jesse. Jesse is in Heaven with God right now, I'm sure of it. And for that, personally, I can rejoice. Russ and Shauna you now share an intimacy with God. God had to give up his only Son too. Jesus lived a short, blameless, sinless life too. He also gave His life so that others would have everlasting life. I think God knows exactly how you feel and exactly what you are going through. And I'm sure He will help you if you let him. I don't know if you believe in God or are mad at Him or blame Him. But, I do know He's knocking at the door of your hearts and, if you let Him in, He will heal you. The best part of all is that you will also see Jesse again some day. That's what I believe. Russ and Shauna, I love you both with all of my heart and that is my prayer. John Reid