Kevin Rogers 3rd October 2007

Shauna & Russ, How unbelievably saddened I was to in the same instant that I learned of the birth of your son was when I was to learn of your tremendous loss. I could only think to grab my own son and hold him as tight as possible in fear to let him go while I pondered how something so tragic could come to such a loving family. I know that the greatest moments in life were the simple ones when you could sit all alone in the still quite as your child drifts off to sleep. The beauty in a child’s unknowing way opens our hearts and dispels all that we thought we knew to be the meaning to our lives. This I am sure was Jessie’s gift to you and one that will be with you always. My heart and my love go out to you and your family with whom has shown me so much kindness through the years. Never before have I met hearts such as yours. Although years go by between our meetings, I am always here for you and will continue to pray for a healing hand with hopes that you will once again find comfort. Much love and hopes for Peace, The Rogers Kevin, Agnes and Konrad