Pattythompsonc 1st October 2007

Dear Shauna and Russ: My heart breaks for the two of you and all who love you and Jesse, Vince and I included. Jesse was so lucky to have you as his parents and to be part of such a loving family. Going to the hospital after Jesse was born, I remember walking in and you two were working together to diaper Jesse, maybe for the first time. So Cute. It was a intense moment, Shauna didn't even look up to see who was there and Russ said Hi, eager to get back to the duty at hand. I wish I had something wise to say, but all I know is that Jesse is in a beautiful place in heaven surrounded by love. I pray you two can find some peace. I wrote a little poem for Jesse. Jesse sweet baby boy for such a short time you gave us such joy Our hearts filled with love for you are now broken in two You had to leave so soon and we will never know why but our love for you will never say good bye. Take care of each other Love Patty Woodside Thompson (Mom)