April Quick 28th September 2018

It's hard to encompass all that is in my heart with words alone. Great waves of love, showered with tears,come to you and our Jesse. In my dreams I see him as he would be now if he was still in our world, though he is now in that next place that is too big for our minds to imagine. I think of my dad, and how close they were in moving on, and I think of my mother, who loved little boys and liked to sneak them chewing gum, rubber snakes, quarters, and other things that little boys like. I imagine him being warmed by their loving hearts. I don't see Jesse sitting on a cloud with a harp...I see him running free and growing and loving, connected to us by invisible ties of love. He will live in my heart until the day that I too, move on. I know he is in so many many hearts. I love you dear Russ and Shauna. I love you. Auntie April