From Auntie Teresa on 09/24/2008

Oh Jesse, it's been a whole year since that terrible day. A day that changed everything for all of us who love you. How can it be a whole year has gone by? It's hard to believe... the pain from losing you, the pain of missing you, the pain of still trying to accept you are gone from us - it's still here. How can it be? How can I have endured a year of such pain and sorrow - and feel like it just happened? Where did the year go? It should have seemed interminably long.... trying to come to terms with your death, trying to support your mommy and daddy. Your mommy is suffering so much. Baby boy, please somehow send her some comfort, something to make her believe she will be "okay". I love her so much, and my heart breaks for her and your daddy. "Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, Love leaves memories no one steal" Irish proverb Oh Jess, I love you so much and miss you. KNOW how much you are LOVED and MISSED and ACHED for.... I will visit your brick at the Angel of Hope to reflect and send you my love and kisses - I hope you feel them. Your loving Auntie